Seismic Exploration – Safety Protocols – Managing Pace

Seismic Exploration

Discussing dangers of detonating dynamite in dense ground, the set up process for seismic exploration, and best roles on the team.

  • Extreme environments you work in and the long hours.
  • Most grueling job on the team.
  • How every member of an efficient team can do all roles needed.
  • Importance of finding your own pace while setting up in cold conditions.
  • How technology has reduced the amount of people needed on a team.
  • Best aspects of being a troubleshooter for the equipment.
  • Noises that can wipe out useful data.
  • Scary moments in a helicopter.
  • Managing your stress and expectations.
seismic exploration

Seismic Exploration Tools and Procedures


  • Clay that is able to absorb 8 times it’s volume in water.
  • Used to repack hole that has been drilled for dynamite.


  • Large trucks with a hydraulic plate used to vibrate the ground.


  • Used to detect ground vibration.
    • Uphole
      • Geophone specifically for detecting whether dynamite detonated.

Dynamite Detonation Steps

  1. Arrive at shot.
  2. Pull up GPS to mark location
  3. Move vehicle.
  4. Install uphole.
  5. Attach wires from pack to leads on the shot, set attached wires on the ground.
  6. Drive minimum 30m away.
  7. Squeeze 2 switches on pack together which produces a ready tone.
  8. Observer sends signal to blow the shot.


  • Slang for the practice of blowing the shot from less than 30m away.

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