Real Estate – Integrity – AA

Real Estate Lessons

Discussing lessons learned in real estate, when working less led to more success, and how far the support of your spouse can take you.

  • What the real estate education teaches you.
  • Lessons learned once you start.
  • Endless ceiling in real estate.
  • Demands of the job, and criteria to be successful.
  • Being fully responsible to your business.
  • Qualities of a good mentor.
  • Trusting and relying on your intuition.
  • When saying “no” is best for both parties.
  • Constant variables of the job.
  • Transitioning from working 24/7 to a more balanced schedule.
  • Prioritizing relationships and life outside of work.
  • Making the job work for you.
  • Realizing what you were missing out on in life.
  • Accepting and understanding failure is part of the process.
  • How far the support of your spouse can take you.
  • Small things that make a big difference in your interactions.
  • Being honest with yourself.
  • Sharing your vulnerabilities with others to help and heal together.
  • How a side job can grow to be your primary job.
Real Estate

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