Discussing traits that resilient people have, understanding what drives your behavior, and the unexpected isolation of counselling.
- Transition from healthcare to counseling.
- Realizing your role is to offer and explain tools to the client not to shoulder the burden of action.
- Understanding our inner narrative.
- Deciding and believing you are capable of change is a crucial step.
- Varying processes based on the individual.
- How our brains go on auto-pilot from past experiences.
- Emotions can have physical signs and symptoms.
- Figuring out the workload you can comfortably manage.
- Being clear on what is driving your behavior.
- Boils down to two choices, accept it or change it.
- Perception and intention are often different.
- When doing the next logical step could be a detriment.
- Most common cause for couples to attend counseling.
- Small gestures of affections overtime can trump infrequent grand gestures.
- If you have no preference someone will decide for you.
- Ways you can lose trust in yourself.
- Small area of brain responsible for your safety.
- Keeps record of situations where you felt fear or danger.
- Will alert you when same criteria are present and urge you to avoid it.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
- Showing that your emotions are not who you are.
- The anxious thoughts are coming from your anxiety not from you.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy
- Accepting that the thoughts and emotions will come.
- Having strategies in place to cope.
Somatic Experiencing
- Paying attention to the bodies sensations to interpret them.
- Mind will feel a physical sensation and try to rationalize it as an emotion.
Trauma Bonded Relationship
- When you develop an unhealthy relationship with your abuser.